Thursday 10 January 2013

A litlle bit of who I am...

Ndingu maGatyeni, Mamali, Ndondela, Nkomo ezibomvu, uMsengana. Ndizalwa yintombi yakwa Dzana, iBhacakazi yena ezalwa li Bhelekazi. Utata ondizalayo yena nguGatyeni, uMnywabe. I embrace culture, not culture as a religion but culture as a doctrine. I love the teachings of the old days (imfundiso za kwantu ngendlela yokuziphatha), they taught morality, principles, and values. A woman could not just behave anyhow, they had to safe guard their diginity in all that they do.(Umntu obhinqileyo wayeziphatha nge ntlonipho)
I am a very passionate young woman, I put passion and dedication in everything that I do, I am an optimist, a bit stubborn and a opiniated at times but I can also be very understandng, I am patient and slow to anger, I am a loyal and faithful friend, sister and cousin, I am observant and  also a good judge of character. I am a voice of reason to my friends and my siblings.
I hate disruption, I hate dishonesty and I hate being pushed too hard.
I draw inspiration from different characters,different personality traits and different situations. I am inspired by women like Khanyi Dlomo, Carol Bouer, Mam Wendy Luhabe, Basetsana Khumalo, Maya Angelou and all the other successful women out there who did not have to compromise their dignity to make things happen and also Mam Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini- Zuma for her humility, her love and dedication which has showed in the way she has fullfled her positions as Minister of health, Foreign Affairs and minister of home affairs from 1994 till 2012
I am motivated by love, my ability to love unconditionally, love from my family and love from friends.
Above all of this, I am a child of God, without God in my Life I dont know where I would be or who would I be. I have an identity because God gave me one, I acknowledge the fact that I am here because the THE CABINET OF THE HEAVENS WHICH CONSISTS OF JESUS THE SON, GOD THE FATHER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT ACTUALLY SAT DOWN AND THEY DECIDED THAT I TOO HAVE A ROLE TO FULLFIL N THE WORLD.

I love the Lord with all of my my heart, mind and soul.



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