Thursday 10 January 2013

These are the people who have contributed to the young woman that I am today

To my mom

Nobantu Agnes Nombeko, every time I think of you, I close my eyes, my cheeks and the corners of my eyes get warm, when I open my eyes again, tears fall down. I would not have known love if it was not for you. I loved how you called me "mafungwashe" I did not know what it meant then because I was young but I loved how your face lit up every time you said it, I remember how you cuddled me to sleep all the nights I have spent with you, I remember how you bathed me whilst still in my blankets every winter morning when I had to go to school ( you know how when we were kids, you bathed at night and then in the morning you just wipe here and there), my mom did the wiping whilst I wast still in my bankets, I remember how when you cried I would also cry even though I did not know why you cried, I remember being the only poor child not picked on because people along with other children were petrified of what happens when you got mad because someone had made me cry, I remember how  much my father had angered you but you forgave him just for me, so that I could know who my father is and meet my family from my father’s side, wisest decision you have ever made, because both you and dad are not here today and I am in the care of the people you had sent me to meet. You have taught me love, survival, church, strength and morality. I know the compromises and the sacrifices you made to make sure I was happy, and I appreciate it. I was your Princess and you were my Queen, and all I ever wanted was to be to be like you.


To My Father

Jack Tukumane Madikane, I had a very little time with you, 2 and half years to be precise. I had not seen you since I was a baby but when you came to see me in my mothers house, I walked up straight to you and I said “ molo tatam” I remember exactly how astonished everyone was with the identification, after that day, you never ever wanted to live another day without me. You gave me nothing but unconditional love, the love that you gave me was enough to make up for all the other years I have spent without you, your smile, your hugs, your kisses and the rides to town where the best moments and gestures of the memories we made together. You were a very loving men, your house was always full of people from oo Makhulu to small cousins from all over our clan, you loved and treated everyone equally. When my mother told me about Dimbaza, she told me that I will meet my siblings Vuyisile no Nosiphiwo but I met a lot more. Ndiyabulela Gatyeni ngothando lwakho nangazo zonke izinto ondenzele zona, when I met you, everythng made sense in my life


To My Brother


Vuyisile Madikane... ndinga ndingakugalela ityuwa ungabuni bhuti wam. when you and your beloved wife took me in you care, I was only 12 years old, today I am 25. I do not even want to imagine what would have happened to me had you not taken me in. No one talked you into taking care of me, you did out of your free will and I am doing everything in my power to make sure that you do not regret that decision. At school I study so hard to make sure that  you can see that I appreciate the things that you do for me, Thank you for loving me and treating me as your daughter, your kids are struggling to call me aunt because there had never been a time where they felt that I was not part of the family. Yoyo recently asked me " Akona, how are you not our sister?" tried to explain but it was all not making sense to her, then finally she asked me " did you not come out of mama's tummy?" and then she looked at me for a while and then she says" arg... you still my older sister" I thank God for you in my life, for if it was not for you....I Don’t Know.


To My Beloved Sister In-law


Mrs Fundiswa Madikane, Maduna, Gubevu, Nokhala, Jiyana, mSuthu, u Bhuti angabe undenzele zonke izinto but he could have not taught me how to be a proper young woman, a woman of integrity and a woman of virtue. Xa kuthethwa ngomntu ozithandayo kuthethwa ngawe, you taught me to be happy with who I am, to apprecaite the way in which God has created me, you taught me to embrace my unique self and walk with my head held up high. You taught us to love and respect ourselves and our bodies, you told us that your husband is the only man you have ever known and that is why we sing high praises about you for you are one of the fewest ladies there are and the only lady we desire to be like is you. I am the young woman that I am today because I have learnt from you, people and fellow learners at school ask me all the time why am I so disciplined and I don’t Know what to say because I am only doing what I have seen being  done ekhaya, ndenza lento ndikbona nawe uyenza so I always reply by shrugging my shoulders. When you first took me in, you were 26 years and I was 12 years old, it was a huge responsibility especial for a young woman who had just gotten married and had just had a child of her own but we made it work. Ibhinqa nguwe Dunakazi

 My Older brother
Ta Bhiza, you were the first person I kew from my fathers side of the family. A lot of people do not know that you brought me christmas clothes every December when I was still leaving with my mother, the clothes you bought were beautiful and of high quality, my mother created a special shelf for them in the wardrobe and I only wore them at special functions and at church. Even when I had to come to Dimbaza you were still there for me, every time you came home, soze ungandinyengezeli imali, then no one else gave me R100 rands but you and it was such a huge money then. I love you so much and I will for ever treasure you in my heart...

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