Monday 14 January 2013

My Understanding of a woman (IBHINQA)

When I think of a woman, I think of love, beauty, warmth, integrity, wisdom, honesty, dignity, principles, morals and values.

I believe all women should possess all of the above.

First and foremost a woman should have morals, a woman should have values, and a woman should have principles. Your beauty and attractiveness as a woman should be in the way you walk, in the way you talk, in the way you carry yourself around, your poise and the way you dress. A woman should safe guard their dignity in all that they do, the behaviour of a woman should always be of good conduct. A woman who relies on the standards set by the society or friends in order to distinguish between right and wrong is not is an appealing woman, she is not bold enough to be her own person and that is not attractive. A woman should possess intellect; a woman should be firm, should equip themselves with enough knowledge, wisdom and power to be able to stand on their own, to stand on their word and to be listened too.

A woman is naturally designed to be attractive, God created the universe, formed a man , planted a garden in Eden and he put the man that He had formed there, He made all kinds of beautiful trees that bore good fruit but the man was not happy, He took soil from the ground and formed all animals and birds and gave the man authority to name them, still the man was not satisfied. God himself still felt that the man was still lonely, He said “it is not write for the man to be alone “and then He created a woman and the man said “finally, here is one of my own kind “. This goes to show that there is no need for women to go around throwing themselves at men and sleeping around trying to make themselves wanted or desired. A good man knows a good woman when they see her same way they know a desperate one when they see her too.

A true beautiful woman should be that woman an elderly lady looks at in admiration and wish that they could take home as their daughter in law, when a young girl looks at her, she should wish to resemble her, when a man looks at her, he should wish for the woman to be the bearer of his children, the one he introduces to the parents and the one that he boasts about.

A woman must bring about warmth, she should have a pure heart and she must be beautiful. Sadly the society today, magazines, billboards and news papers puts a lot of emphasis on physical beauty which is not entirely wrong for people really do need to take care of their bodies. In order for the skin to glow and be beautiful, one must work on it, people must bath, they must eat healthy, exercise frequently to keep in shape and moisturise the skin to keep it revitalized and moist, yet still that is not beauty, its cleanliness.

To me physical beauty consists of cleanliness, the way you smile and appropriateness in the way you dress, not your cleavage, not your thighs and definitely not your behind. Of course, there is nothing wrong with adornments but you must also not forget that they constitute to what you look like not what/who you are, who/what you are inside is made up of your heart, your thought process and your soul.

Women should constantly work on bettering themselves and adorning their inner side the same way they do on their outer side, there is absolutely nothing wrong with becoming a better person, a much better person and a much much better person.

The thing with a purely beautiful woman is that when you are beautiful inside, and outside and you have a pure heart, you are not only beautiful and attractive to the world, you are beautiful and attractive to God as well.

That to me is a woman, ibhinqa


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